Hope is Always on the Horizon

Cancer, a word no one really wants to hear.  Especially someone getting the bad news. So how does someone deal with the diagnosis?

Just with a quick glance of the word cancer, the first three letters stand out to me…C-A-N. This part of word seems a little nicer and little more positive. Maybe even a little more powerful. What can one do when given the diagnosis?

One can be really pissed off! One can make the most of the situation!  Or one can go skydiving, rocky mountain climbing, two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu….  (just singing a song made famous by Tim McGraw)

cannot imagine what I would do, but our friend Patty Sobieski is living with cancer. We love her spirit, her friendship, and her story. We think you will too.

Patty with her mom

Suzi, Patty and Patty’s sweet mom 🙂


Here is beautiful Patty’s journey in her own words…

I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 32 in 1997. I did not know anyone with breast cancer. My cancer involved a whirlwind of surgery and long treatments but my progress was great! I was so glad I lived in the United States and not a third world country where hope was almost impossible. Amazed and thankful by His grace that we can be born on this huge planet with so many opportunities.

Unfortunately, in 2009 my cancer returned. I found out by a routine mammogram.  This time I was older and the road has been tougher. Keeping an optimistic spirit has been the toughest part. Good days, bad days, we each have our own circumstances. It may not be cancer but the loss of family member or friend. Any severe tragedy can be devastating. The best part about my cancer is that I have time to study my inner person. Not a day goes by I take for granted, even though some days I feel I will never return to the way I once felt physically and emotionally.

I love my family. If I had to describe those I love in a word. Well…

My sons in one word, loving.
My Mom in one word, honest.
My Dad in one word, respect.

Each family member plays a beautiful part of my being. I thank each of them for their precious gifts.

I have the best friends in the world! They never let me down. The hardest part is asking for help. My friends have supported me when I cried, whined, or needed prayer. My friends have washed my clothes, and cooked lots of chicken noodle soup. They just showed up when my days felt like 48 hours instead of the intended 24. I received so many encouraging cards and support, kind words that left me feeling so loved. These friendships gave me hope for seasons not just days.

What I want people to know is I may be vulnerable, but I still get to make choices.  I am forever grateful for my family and my friends. I know that my illness has affected their lives as we journey this road together. I strongly believe in God and His miracles. I know this battle is my hardest one yet. But I’m a blessed women, I have had a great life, and traveled many places. There are so many things to love and appreciate.

I love Christmas, the meaning, the smells and chilly air. Fall is my favorite season. I love seeing the leaves on the mountain as they change into beautiful colors. I love to zip line, swim, and paint. I love the touch and feel of fabrics and how one swatch can change the mood of an entire room. The designer in me, I suppose. I love people, animals and nature. I love peace! Maybe this all because I graduated with a Fine Arts degree with appreciation for architecture, interior design and construction. Or maybe it’s just because I’m me.

My philosophy in life, I’m not really sure. The secret to a great life is a bad memory. Forget and forgive the stuff than does not matter. Work at achieving a peaceful existence everyday.  Know that one more days means I GET to take my son to school, clean the house, kiss my mom, and put gas in the car. These are those mundane things… the threads of life… the GOOD STUFF!

My favorite thing is to love my children. Tomato sandwiches were requested this morning and I could not wait to get to the bread.

My favorite quote was sent to me from my dear friend Dana and it touched me so much so I will share:   Beyond each impenetrable expanse of thundercloud obscurity reigns a boundless canopy of brilliant sapphire blue.  -Cara Fox

Hope is always on the horizon.

Love Always,
Patty Sobieske


Wanna see a video?? We joined Patty as she joyfully celebrated her 50th birthday. Friends and family even allowed us to capture images (and words – you will see) to make a video to celebrate Patty: http://loveitout.smugmug.com/Beautiful-You/Patty-is-50/i-NmsSpWX

Because your life is beautiful, love it out!

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