So once we made this decision to really do this children’s books thing, it has been an adventure. Its been a delight helping Tony’s stories find their way to print. And it has been an extra treat sharing the creation of the pages with the characters. Spending time with Shane & Parker for I Love You Sideways was awesome – they are naturals & perfect for our first book. And Olivia and her never-ending hugs have truly has touched our lives. What a treat to see them look at their own books where they are the stars. Below are images of Shane reading I Love You Sideways to Parker for first time.
And what an experience also to embrace the reactions of others as they read them. Which page will they love? When will they laugh? Will they want to read it again? Tony read to students at Heritage recently and I loved hearing their laughter and questions.
So today we awoke with such anticipation. Our books, like a basket full of kittens, are finding their way to new homes starting today. This work of our hearts is released. Please give them lots of hugs and visit often 🙂
YOUR life is beautiful, love it out.
And I could not be more honored and excited that Olivia is a part of your vision! You have taken what she has to offer with her gift of joy and love, and used your own gifts by sharing this message with so many others. I am beyond touched to see this message multiplied and overflowing!!! Thank you, Tony and Suzi from the bottom of my heart and God bless you both! ~Tina
Thank you Tina for your contributions and kind words and for just being a beautiful you! We are so blessed by your friendship.