Follow Your Dream | Makarios Events

Following his natural talent to organize and customize, Chad recently launched Makarios Events. It was no surprise that his Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was beautifully decorated. We stopped by to capture the awesome atmosphere he created. From the use of whites and blues in the furniture and accents to the unique table pieces (of course I always loooove trees – especially ones that glimmer in the light), the rooms were classy and unique.

1 - room2 - lamp3 - bead tree4 - chad5 - ribbon tree

Yes, I think this is just a small glimpse of greatness ahead! A quick dictionary search revealed  the meaning of makarios to be “blessed, happy” and that sure is the way to be when you are following your dream!  Blessings Chad as you add to the awesomeness of special events for your clients!

Visit the Makarios Events website to learn more about the tailored experience they offer:

YOUR life is beautiful when you love it out!


Patrick Burns - May 12, 2014 - 7:35 am

Tony and Suzi, great job on the pictures I’ve seen so far of the ‘Follow Your Dream | Makarios Events’ posting. Chad raved so much about your work prior to you coming out. Beautiful work! I look forward to him showing me other pictures and how well you were able to hide my yellow pants :>)


Suzi - May 12, 2014 - 7:47 pm

Thanks for your kind words Patrick! It was great meeting you – our favorite people are those not afraid to shine in their own way (even in yellow pants!).

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